M- As the title suggests, I'm now writing again because its has been quite sometime since I last wrote, or any of us.... me especially.
Secondary school went, just as shockingly as it came. SPM is now over, all of us can feel age catching up ( well... maybe just me ). Emotions, especially ones we never knew we could ever feel, great anger, depression, the odd and suddenly 'zingy' happiness, even the silly puppy love ( which I find to be a great inconvenience, but a necessary lesson nevertheless ) came bursting through the window, flying everywhere, especially in form 5. Yet still, what a year it had been, great at times, quite ( eehhh....) worth experiencing, but thank God it passed.
As I am typing this now, I remember all the times we had, how happy we were, and how sorry I feel now, for the times that we weren't. I really miss all of you, especially all of you, only all of you.
Now, again, I'm leaning towards depression, but a very mild attack. So many things are swimming through my mind, but most likely because I've been so, vacant, so empty or jobless, for so long...or its hormones or something. I'm thinking about why have I gained weight, why do I feel so bloated and sluggish, does my stomach have a problem with prunes?? ( ehh??!!,,) Vain thoughts, but what to do. I do feel quite terrible, very uncomfortable in my own body.
So I've decided to use this blog to record, if that is the word, how I feel and what I ate, and why each day ( or whenever I can ), a sort of online food journal, but one where I know the ones reading are my friends ( even though I do know this blog is public, but I really think my friends are the only ones who bother to read it ) .
I also hope this would again be our means of communication, since now we are definitely physically far apart. I really miss you guys =(
Till next time.