S- ello im posting again lmao... anyways i love this love-hate relationship thingy... anyways this is the do's for all guys
When she walks away from you mad===[ Follow her]
When she stare's at your lips===[ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hits you===[ Grab her and don’t let go ]
When she start's cursing at you===[ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she's quiet===[ Ask her what’s wrong]
When she ignore's you===[ Give her your attention ]
When she pulls away==[ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst===[ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying==[Just hold her and don’t say a word ]
When you see her walking==[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared===[ Protect her ]
When she lays her head on your shoulder===[ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steal's your favorite hat==[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she teases you===[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesn’t answer for a long time===[ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt==[ Back yourself up with the TRUTH ]
When she says that she likes you==[ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grabs at your hands===[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]
When she bumps into you===[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tells you a secret===[ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes===[ don’t look away until she does ]
When you break her heart===[ the pain NEVER really goes away ]
When she says its over===[ she STILL wants you to be hers ]
i hope we can rule them boys...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
T-Heyy.. I know, its me again after an hour.. [i'm bored by the way] These are the pictures of desserts that will make you fat but happy.. Hahahha.. I LOVE ice cream the most.. It's like i'm addicted to it.. Mel & Syaz know that i love them a lot.. Ahhaha, i feel like i'm CRAZY right now.. You know, by just looking at these pictures, you start to drool and melt.. Can you imagine if it's right infront of your face?! Hahhaha.. Bye
Happy Fasting in Ramadhan Month
T-Heyy.. I know it's a bit late "Selamat Berpuasa"! Berpuasa dan beribadatlah.. Don't forget to go for tarawih.. Tarawih is the best!! Anyways, just for a reminder, at this very noble month, we should keep ourselves from saying bad words, passing around rumors, getting angry, make others hurt or mad and "curi-curi" eating.. Be true to yourself and to God.. & oh yea, go to bazaar Ramadhan everyday.. *winkwink* Hahhaha.. Banyak makanan.. Sedap.. Mmm.. Kay, i guess, thats that for now.. Happy Break-fast.. Bye
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Yay -ness and Puasa....
M- Meow!!!Eesha and Kitty are feeling a little better with themselves now...though very giddy....a little bolder...better... oh looky... dancing... hehe.
Sorry i know that was an extremely random post...
Oh well puasa started and i'm feelin good i guess...but changes in the schedule requires me to stop a few things for a while...thats a little annoying...but you could also say its a little liberating...though i do not know how am i suppose to keep up if i have to stop tuition for a month... study on my own i guess...as if that would really happen.Wish me luck and may god bless you all... Selamat Berpuasa !!!! Muah...
Sorry i know that was an extremely random post...
Oh well puasa started and i'm feelin good i guess...but changes in the schedule requires me to stop a few things for a while...thats a little annoying...but you could also say its a little liberating...though i do not know how am i suppose to keep up if i have to stop tuition for a month... study on my own i guess...as if that would really happen.Wish me luck and may god bless you all... Selamat Berpuasa !!!! Muah...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
two is different then 2

S- ello people im back well im always here LOL... okie well heres the latest life experience i have so far... love, lust, passion, loyalty and of course BULLSHITty...
well these days like any freaking day... people have big, beautiful mouth that words that come out either sweet... loving... and shit!!! well not only they love to just say things they love to spread them to... well i guess making it up is not fun but spreading it well spreading IS FUN...
welll i guess some people do understand this but some people don't... so for those people please LOOK AT YOURSELVES first then SPREAD...
it won't hurt until you try...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Don't you get it??
T-As i said last two weeks, don't break your friends/mates heart.. Yet, a few of my friends are now heartbroken.. When my close friends are heartbroken, i tend to react to the problem.. Like i want to defend my friends.. Yet, i still can't do anything about it.. Which really makes me go mad!! I warn you people, we can always have fun, but don't go and cross the boundary.. Okay?? I'm sick people keep on going and hurt other people's feelings.. If accidentally blurt it out, that i understand, but if spread rumors, thats just too much.. Please people, know what you say.. Try not to hurt anyone intensionally.. Be nice most of the time..
Tug Of WAR - Eesha vs. Kitty
M- both r sweating , in pain but living in the now... breathing hard... who will win ?? kitty is distracted...Eesha is losing hope. Both cryin out with all their might...lungs burning... so this is how it feels... but then wats the prize ?? is it really worth it ??they both noe their hands should be burning... probably bleeding... but no... its so cold, so so cold... so they both decided to give it a rest... though there is a sharp pain in their chest, like a dagger stabbing through their hearts...they both cried n embraced each other... let the prize wait, one sed... yes, only then we will both noe if it was worth it, sed the other...n so it goes...only God noes if they r able to come back, finally completely with peace in their now bleeding hearts...which r healed...to claim that so called prize if it ever was one...was it truly valuable...n if it came with a price... hands n whole life too...
to my dearest T n S , if u would understand....i hope i do
to my dearest T n S , if u would understand....i hope i do
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
the oral
S- well we have oral today (actually since last last week) anyways i did my oral today... yayyyy for me :) so the topic for my oral is PEER PRESSURE . But thats like any other oral topic but wait LMFAO :) the only interesting part would be when i go to a sub-topic of my oral SEX. LOL!!! so its like a half of half (quater) of my classmates and i was like telling them about wait for it... ORAL SEX... so my teacher well she was sporting and that made it more sick LOL. it gets better when i actually say that the fact that people have it every year younger (in the usa ) so some boys okie there was like what 5 of them LOL (my class is like really sick ;-P) so i also talked about loosers and weak and up-tight all those peer pressure stuff. at the end i felt relieve FINISHED my oral.
PS: oral is BY MOUTH, sex is well sex IS SEX
LOL :) c ya :) till next time :)
PS: oral is BY MOUTH, sex is well sex IS SEX
LOL :) c ya :) till next time :)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Don't break your friends/mates heart <3...
T- I don't know how to say this but today i feel really hurt by my classmates.. Today at school, we had Pelancaran Bulan Patriotisme, few KRS people were assign to pop up some confetti and march a little.. Well, i was one of them.. After the perhimpunan finished, i went back to class to put my bag down and go to the KRS room for a while.. [Well, most of my classmates are PBSM or Pengakap..] So, when i went into my class, some of them give me and Alysha this "look", like we are some terrorist.. I understand that they does not like KRS "people", but right after i got those look from them, warm, hard feeling rush through my chest.. They don't know that i'm tired and all but they are giving me a hard time.. Same goes to most of my schoolmates..
That's not all, one of my old friend that are currently not in Malaysia, gave me and some of my friends a hard time too.. She have this new attitudes and all, but some how it's hard for us to accept it..
To me this whole thing is like a double attack on me and some of my friends.. Its really hard breaking that by just simple action it could hurt people by the heart.. Peace people.. Bye <3
That's not all, one of my old friend that are currently not in Malaysia, gave me and some of my friends a hard time too.. She have this new attitudes and all, but some how it's hard for us to accept it..
To me this whole thing is like a double attack on me and some of my friends.. Its really hard breaking that by just simple action it could hurt people by the heart.. Peace people.. Bye <3
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