Plain Jane
Normal peeps with different expression.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Desires. What comes to my mind when i heard the word desire is that desire is a strong emotion that urges a want or a hope of a person. A desire to gain, own, experience, feel, see, touch something or etc. It is a strong emotion within someone that makes them utterly passionate to have it. Desire. Desire practically controls a lot of things and probably everything to someone. Its desire that drives a student to graduate with excellence. Its desire that brought a couple together. Its desire that grows a small company into a multi-million dollars company. And its desire that causes a murder to happen. A desire is wild, content, excited, playful, genius, futuristic, passionate, cunning, terrifying, a force, etc. A desire should be reached, but not all desire contributes positively to a person. Hence, if a desire give a positive impression or impact on a person's life, it should be fulfilled.
As a muslim, i believe that desires should be fulfilled as long as they do not hinder me from adhering to the principles of Islam. Desire is a strong feeling. It can be good or it can be dangerously bad. Desire should be controlled with proper knowledge, a stable and logical thinking for it to happen as wanted or to be resisted from happening.
Desire is very subjective topic. Desire can be defined in a whole range of ways with different ideologies because everyones emotion and thoughts on this matter are different.
These are my thoughts on desire. I had typed all that came into my mind with regards to desire. I can't lie because i, myself, do have desires that i would like to fulfill in the near future as well as in the long run.
Do tell me what defines desire in your opinion. I believe that reading or listening to others' understandings open up the breadth of our thinking and knowledge. I guess you can say that that is one of my desire!
Love, T.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Honest To God. Oh My God. Dear God. Uh.
#unfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.... i think in KY ihm considered weird &nd beyond' truly i believe it and what zee heck i dont mind
but i think i think i know no, i know the reception i get from this weirdness <-- only people close enuff.. get me. i dont care if ihm not accepted buttttttttt
anyhoo i cant wait for hunger game
&ndddddddddddddd if yuuuuur reading this Tash(:
mwe cants waits for yuuuur b'dayyyy finally turning 19 whoop whoop
My My My Happpyyy Early Wishes.. hehe ingat last year's?
&nd my roommates decided this week of all weeks to watch movies all day all week long :o
clearly we're meant to be
and thankfully i hope they do accept me as who i am
Cause [ doing my finger greeting ] You Accept Me. I Bes Good Friends. Kays !
righttt and this post is created by Syaz at 9.48pm 7 March 2012.. Close To My Mock &nd Not Forgetting AS :O
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Hey. It's been a while since i write. [typical intro to my post =b] This is random. I'm going to review a movie. Bet everyone know this movie. Beauty & the Briefcase. 

I thought the movie was sweet and cheeky. I like Hilary Duff as an actress, but the whole time i was watching the movie all that I can remember or recall is that she's Hilary Duff, not as her character - Lane Daniels. She's fun to watch though.
I like Michael McMillan as Tom in this movie. [i don't really know him actually] He's not that obvious hottie you see in a typical movie. You wouldn't think that he would be the one. But thanks to the movie title, you should know it would be him.
The plot of the movie is somewhat similar to Confession of a Shopaholic. A girl trying to get into and work for a fashion magazine ended up in some boring business world.
All in all, the movie was simple and sweet.
That's all from me for now. =} {T}
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Good Dayyyyyum
Good Aff..Evenin` Tis feb Uhmm 9th Ihm officially 19 :O YOLO? seriously me nuu understand what zee meant lol xD anyhoo as of 8th Feb we ( I ) have as in 3 months equals to 90 days peps! :DDDD <--- all zee f*ck given ! its coming AS ISHHH COMING ! ! !
ahhahaha and ihm all like this :o
and thanks to yuuuuuu ahmazin friend Shaza(: i found thishhhh heheh :DDD
Enjoyyy while i do some essays.. ehhh all my papers are essay oriented :O
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
KaboomZattt !
Boom Boom Pawwwwwwwwww Rawrrrrrrrrrrrr :)
Kays Very Bery Malas.. AS Innnnnnnnn how many more months ( ehh thee printer gila kuat :o )
Ahhh yeahhh AS In JUNE thats date 06 2012.. lmao ihm very weird
anyhooooo i bruised my cat :o
Bobby's the name &nd Ihm an official tumblaaaaaa-cholic xD
thats chocolates mixed with cookies with coco puffs with intern
et 24/7 <-- literally i skip meals :p
Meowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...i know a dude name bob BUT
really his Uhmm Ikhmal?
lols SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as always ihma zeee eye catching buffery dudes
found.. 2 or is it 3 :O but tis my favorite :)
but weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
tis we're a dude me and mwelly will looky wike this xD
hahahah kays thats it for now.. more of abs man :)
&nddddddddddd Tash ! I Misshhh Yuuuuh < 3 3 3 3 :)
-Sya :)
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